We are committed to:


Currently our municipality does not have the capacity in terms of facilities to offer the educational care that every child rightly deserves. In the interim, short-term premises would have to be created until an overall long term concept could be implemented. Amongst other things, there should be sufficient places for every child to have the possibility to spend their lunch break at the Maison Relais during school term.

Regarding the long term expansion of the current educational facilities on offer, which includes primary school education, the after school care, pre-school and nursery, this must be carried out from the outset in consultation with parents, children, all teaching staff and Maison Relais management and staff. A project of this importance requires the collaboration of all the parties concerned in order to ensure its long term success.

A local nursery must be available for children from 3 months old so that parents can better reconcile their professional and family life within our community.

We also believe that regular informative evenings should take place between children, parents, teachers and all other staff to resolve any issues that may arise as quickly as possible.

We also want to work towards reestablishing a student parliament. Currently, due to limitations on the number of personnel, this is not possible. However, as municipality representatives, we are committed to exploring solutions for this.

We are considering collaborating with a youth center to provide a mobile offering for young people in the municipality. The participatory aspect is also crucial in this regard.

We are committed to:


The national reform of the RGTR in 2022 brought about a number of changes to the public transport connections. It is now necessary to analyze whether these changes have led to an improvement in public transport within our municipality or whether further improvements are needed.

With a Mbox in Christnach, which more inhabitants needs tobe made aware of, the first step has been taken towards combining cycling with bus transport. This approach must continue in order to further strengthen public transport. In line with this, a car sharing station in the municipality is another new possibility.

Thanks to the initiative of the ‘cycling and hiking group’, our municipality has been connected to the national cycling network. By implementing the proposals from the study, we are creating internal connections in our municipality as part of "soft mobility."

The road sign "50? Thank you" can be seen in Christnach at the exit towards Mullerthal: the driving speeds at the entrance and exit points of the municipality villages can be a problem. In addition to the signs that draw a driver's attention to the speed limit, it is necessary to consider with those responsible what possibilities the municipality has to reduce the speed in these areas.

We are committed to:


For several years now, the project to expand the football pavilion has been under discussion. Unfortunately, this project has not moved forward due to various obstacles. As the contracting authority, the municipality needs to take responsibility and push forward with this project to provide the football club with the necessary up to date facilities to be able to operate efficiently.

The project to expand the townhall building in Waldbillig has been approved for several years now. Unfortunately, this project has also not moved forward, and it is important that our municipal administration can work in good conditions and provide good services to our citizens. We are therefore committed to implementing this project in a timely manner.

The project sewage treatment plant is an important and large project for our municipality. We believe that unfortunately, this project has not been managed properly and hasn't been addressed as it should have been. Currently, there is still no end in sight and it is not clear how the project can be implemented as planned. As the contracting authority, the municipality needs to regain control over this project. We are searching for the best possible solution to avoid any additional burden on the municipal budget.

Currently our municipality does not have the capacity in terms of facilities to offer the educational care that every child rightly deserves. In the interim, short-term premises would have to be created until an overall long term concept could be implemented. Amongst other things, there should be sufficient places for every child to have the possibility to spend their lunch break at the Maison Relais during school term.

The overall concept for the school buildings, Maison Relais, and daycare should be developed in collaboration with children, parents, teachers and the Maison Relais staff (Fiissecher a.s.b.l.).

In 2018, the municipality of Waldbëlleg was hit by the worst flood in the last 100 years that caused significant damage throughout the community. As a result, a study on flood management was conducted, which was presented in 2020. Unfortunately, we have to state that not much of it has been implemented yet, and that worryingly a reactive type of management is still being pursued rather than a proactive one. We are therefore committed to implementing measures as quickly as possible to protect our citizens and infrastructure from further flood damage.

Drinking water is a valuable resource that needs to be protected. The municipality of Waldbëlleg has access to a large network of springs and has excellent water quality. We are committed to ensuring that these springs and our water quality remain at this level.

A world without internet access is no longer conceivable today. With the increase in teleworking, it is particularly important that we can guarantee a fast internet connection to our citizens. Unfortunately, fiber optic cables have not yet been laid everywhere. With competent management, we are working to ensure that this can be implemented as quickly as possible.

We are committed to:


Feeling secure and actually being safe are not necessarily one and the same thing. When looking at our municipality with a critical eye, one can recognize a series of potential improvements to be made.

Walking to school: years ago, a safe route to get to school was established. However, there are still some dangerous areas that need improvement. Together with the owners, a risk analysis should be conducted to implement agreed upon measures.

Cycling to school: due to our rural location, many of our country lanes are not bike friendly. Unfortunately, there are stretches of road where our children come into contact with motorized traffic with no dedicated cycling lane. Together with the school staff, parents, and children, we would like to create a safe travel concept to go by bike or on foot to school. The creation of marked bicycle parking lots would draw attention to road safety. Through the Climate and Nature Pact, the municipality can analyze under what form it can offer a nice reward to children for the total number of days where they did not come to school by car or bus (e.g., a new helmet, etc.).

School bus: our municipality has grown in recent years. This has had repercussions on the school buses in our community. Personnel and logistics pose a challenge for the municipality. Together with all those involved, it is necessary to examine how this service will be offered in the long term.

Cars and school: traffic has become more congested around the school buildings, due to cars bringing or picking up children. The cars of parents bringing their children to school cannot pose a threat to our smallest inhabitants. Improving traffic concepts at schools will increase safety.

Parking in the municipality: although the building regulations stipulate that a certain number of parking spaces must be provided per housing unit, new conditions have arisen to which the municipality must react appropriately. Cars are parking on the pavement, so that they do not disturb the traffic, but this has created dangerous conditions for pedestrians, there is therefore a need for action. It is important to work with the parties involved to create a safe path for all citizens in order to guarantee greater safety in the municipality. The elected council members must address this issue.

Street lighting: rarely does anyone feel comfortable walking in in the dark. Due to the war in Ukraine, the national campaign "Saving energy together" was launched. Not much thought has been given to street lighting, as an energy-saving measure, lights have simply been turned off earlier. Through a well thought out energy plan, working with climate consultants and the use of smart technologies, energy can be saved, and the sense of safety increased through controlled lighting.

Flooding: Rain is important for nature, but heavy rain is a source of concern. Fear that the water, as well as damaging buildings, could also put lives and livelihoods at risk. The flood management survey suggests simple solutions. For example, by replacing the roadside drainage ditches with a special profile, the water does not just flow over the surface but is directed towards a wider part of the canal. This is just one small measure that the study suggests would contribute to greater protection against flooding. Together with the affected people, the challenge of implementing flood management strategies will remain in the coming years.

We are committed to:


The municipality of Waldbillig is located in the heart of the Mullerthal Nature Park.

With its unique sites such as the ‘Schiessentumpel’ and its picturesque hiking trails, it is one of the most visited places in Luxembourg and the greater region.

We need to make more of this potential!

Currently, the parking conditions are terrible in the Mullerthal, with people parking however or wherever they like, leading to sometimes dangerous situations. The new adventure playground was built without a long-term plan for parking or mobility. In 2018, a campsite was purchased, but since then, not much has happened, and there seems to be no clear plan. A central area in the Mullerthal that connects the campsite with the playground, with an adapted parking concept, and a bus stop at a short but safe distance from the playground would be another asset for the Mullerthal.
Efforts must also be made to improve public transport to make this site, which is the central point and namesake of the nature park, more accessible to tourists from both inside and outside of the country.
We also believe that our municipality should play a more active role in the Mullerthal Nature Park. As the central point and namesake of the park, we currently have relatively little influence on its design. As a municipality, we want to be a strong partner in promoting new tourist attractions and ensuring the protection of our valuable environment in collaboration with local actors and operators.

We must also not forget our other tourist attractions, such as the Halerbach, the schwaarze Mann, the Model Village of Christnach, the Hugericht, and the Mullerthal Trail. By presenting ourselves more professionally, our entire municipality and its operators can benefit from the diversity of tourism.

We are committed to:


The local associations and clubs promote the socialization of children and offer new residents the opportunity to integrate into their new community. In addition to their positive impact on the health and well-being of local inhabitants, they contribute significantly to social cohesion. Therefore, a diverse range of offers from various associations in our municipality is of great importance. For this reason, we are committed to strengthening and further developing the association community in our municipality.

We are committed to:

Waldbëlleg 2.0

We are committed to making our municipality more open and transparent and further improving the relationship with citizens.

The implementation of a mobile app, such as those already in use in many municipalities in the country, would further improve two-way communication and simplify access to information for citizens. This would allow citizens to find, among other things, news, information on public transport, on events, footpaths, or even documents from the municipality in the app. Additionally, the app would allow citizens to easily and quickly inform the municipality about any issues or problems so that immediate action can be taken.

However, we must not forget those who do not have access to digital information. For this reason, we would regularly publish a Municipal Bulletin. This Municipal Bulletin could also be subscribed to by all residents of the municipality in the form of a digital newsletter sent by email.

We would organize regular information sessions on current topics and projects where interested citizens could have a direct exchange with municipal representatives.

All of these communication tools, including the existing website and Facebook pages, are only effective if information flow is ensured. The time required to ensure this should not be underestimated. For this reason, we are committed to creating a design and communication job position that can address these challenges.